The only thing that I could understand was '36 D boobs' and that's about it. I hit Google Translate to read some of these stories but as it was translated, 'lost in translation' was an understatement! I couldn't understand not one sentence. Those filthy, low down dirty sex stories! That's what I want to read! Miss me with that 'added-value' stuff, I'm a straight to the point kind of a porn dude! From now on you can call me STTPTPD!So if you are an English speaking person, you will probably miss out on all the cool stories that has to offer because not even Google Translate will help you. I don't care about the forums or Savita Bhabha Bubu whatever the name was, all I care about are the stories and the written down descriptions of sex, if I was a fan of that sort of stuff, of course.

So as I was going over these tabs and all, I was thinking that this is all cool and all but this is a literotica site. Moving on, the top header tabs read Forum, Submit a Story, Popular Stories, Savita Bhabhi, whatever that means, Indian Sex Cams and some other tabs that I suggest you check out on your own time. As they also say, 'the clothes don't maketh the man', well, I'm going to abide by this saying and give a chance that they deserve since TPD doesn't mess with loser sites, let's get that thing straight!The design of the site is horrific. The pale brown on eggshell white (I'm talking about European eggs, the brownish eggs not the American white eggshells) just gives off an impression that you are about to get an offer on buying a ton of curry, or other culinary spices for cheap!They say that you don't get a second chance at making a first impression and boy, does that apply to Indian Sex Stories! Since I'm a man who loves to speak once the fat lady has sung, I'm going to hold my peace until I've seen what has to offer. Well, If you can believe it is a literotica site that looks far worse in its design than those sites that I've just mentioned! Yes, the first impression will be to go away and find a 'real' erotica' site. Remember what they looked like, their color pallet, their overall impression. Yes, those sites, those local sites in your town. You know the ones that I'm talking about, the ones that offer used items for $4 and where you can sell things for $3. Have you ever been on a buy & sell site? Any buy & sell site would do.