" In Exchange Online, this example results in meeting updates being auto-processed (meeting update messages aren't visible in attendee Inbox folders) except any changes to meeting location, subject and body as well as any property changes within 15 minutes of the meeting start time. Set-OrganizationConfig -VisibleMeetingUpdateProperties "Location,Subject,Body,AllProperties:15" Just found it is possible using the Set-OrganizationConfig PowerShell for Exchange command. "You will be able to customize the logic for what details should be auto-processed for your organization, and which ones should continue to be shown as a meeting update in the invitees’ inboxes." More specific, do you know how to configure this behavior in the Microsoft 365 tenant? Attendees can still use the Do not send a response option to avoid sending email to the organizer, but their response would now be recorded & shared with organizer.Van de Michev do you have any official documentation regarding this? At I don't see the item 30674 listed (anymore). We are considering updating the behavior so that all 3 response options are recorded in the organizer's tracking list. Propose a new time On the left, choose the. Add note Enter your message, optionally change your event response, and click Send. Many users report that they expect Do not send a response to be recorded in the organizer's tracking list, but just not to send an email. In the bottom-right corner, click the Up arrow and choose an option. The third option ( Do not send a response) does not notify organizer, so the attendee's response remains as "None" in the organizer's tracking list. The first two options ( Edit the response before sending & Send the response now) both send an email to the organizer, and the attendee's response is recorded in the organizer's tracking list. When attendees receive a meeting invite, they are provided with 3 response options: We'd like your feedback & reactions to a change we're considering: