The 50-MHz array with parylene coating shows approximately 40% fractional bandwidth measured in water. Our experimental measurements on the 20-MHz array in oil shows 105% fractional bandwidth. We also two fabricated sample annular array designs operating at 20-MHz and 50-MHz. We tested and compared imaging performance of the existing and proposed probe configurations through simulated point spread functions. In this study, we explore a new SL-IVUS probe architecture employing rotating phased annular CMUT arrays. Synthetic phased array processing of signals detected with small-sized elements in these arrays limits the SNR achievable with these probes. Solid-state SL-IVUS imaging probes use piezoelectric transducer arrays and electronic beam-forming. Probes with single rotating piezoelectric transducer have simple front-end, but have fixed focused operation, and suffers from motion artifacts. Currently SL-IVUS imaging probes use either a single rotating transducer element or solid-state arrays. Side-looking (SL) IVUS probes are extensively used for management of cardiovascular diseases. Evaluation of CMUT annular arrays for side-looking IVUS. The inputs to the UNAP will be a superset of the existing inputs of all these previous modules with flexibility to anticipate future developments.

The primary goal of the UNAP development is for the new module to become the IAEA standard and replace existing Non-Destructive Assay (NDA) modules such as the JSR-12, the MiniGrand, the Advanced Multiplicity Shift Register (AMSR), and the JSR-14. The system will also be the principal data acquisition module for the Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL) MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant (J-MOX) safeguards project. The Universal NDA Data Acquisition Platform (UNAP) will be the next generation data acquisition system for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) attended and unattended non-destructive assay measurement equipment. The IAEA Universal Nondestructive Assay Data Acquisition Platform (UNAP).